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"Exploring the Ultimate Question: What is the Meaning of Life?"

Anyone got any ideas??

Heartbeat over a heart on dark background
Find meaning

Ways to get the heart pumping to enjoy life, have a better life, more fun.

We all get times when we ask that question - what is not all about? What is the meaning of being in this life? Of living? I think you’d agree that it usually gets asked only when things aren’t going well. That’s interesting. Are we distracted from the big question when things are going well or IS that the meaning of life - to just enjoy?

Before listing your tips below, add one last sentence that sums up your paragraph or offers a smooth transition to your listicle.

Family View

Family members might say their meaning of life is to bring more life into this world and nurture, guide and love them into adulthood (and beyond). It might be to join with a partner / spouse to bring joy to each other and have new experiences.

Is this why some get depressed when the kids leave or re-invent themselves after a divorce? Was their Meaning of Life attached to their children / partner? Whilst very important surely that can’t be the meaning of life?

Religions View

Different sectors and groups apportion meaning in different ways - most religions promote doing good, helping others and living a good life to worship a higher power. That this life is a precursor for the next life whether that’s Heaven, Karma, Re-incarnation, etc. So is this a test? A trial run?

Law of Attraction states that the meaning of being here is to have fun and be on the leading edge of Universal expansion. Could it be that simple? We’re here just to have fun? Perhaps.

“The meaning of Life is that it is to be lived" – B Lee

Lifes Work

We seem to have a liking in the Western world to attach our meaning of life to our work and status. Although I have to say this is lessening now and my 20+ year old daughters tell me its more prevalent in the 40+ age bracket. We define ourselves and our place in this world by our work.

Life has no meaning

Stay with me on this one. Maybe life has no meaning. Maybe life and all the events that happen in every second of every day has no meaning whatsoever. Maybe it’s a blank, emotionless event - and WE apply the meaning.

That’s both exciting and nerve-wracking.

If you received a phone call from someone you don’t know.

“Hello. You don’t know me but I’m never going to call you again.”

You decide what meaning you’ll attached to that. None probably. Weird person. I’m glad if they don’t call again. Finished.

If you’re very best friend called you.

“Hello. We’ve known each other for 20 years but I’m never going to call you again.”

Wow! You’d think. What’s happened? Are you ok? What have I done? Is all ok? Can we talk about this?

(Example from Ester Hicks)

In both you’ve been told someone is not going to call you again. YOU attach the meaning to each. We do this in everyday life too.

It’s raining - 1) Great. It’s good to get that heavy cloud cleared. 2) Jeez! A day of getting soaked!

I’ve been made redundant - 1) Right! A fresh start, new challenges. 2) No! What do I do now???

YOU decide the Meaning of Life

You’re it. You decide what the meaning is in YOUR life. We can be influenced, sometimes greatly, by others but ultimately you decide what you want the meaning on your life to be. Take each moment, each decision, each event and experience in life and decide what meaning you want to attach to it. It can be a positive meaning or not. That’s up to you. You have that power. And only you.



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